Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Feel free to click the DONATE button!  We are saving up to buy Bri a comfy recliner for when she gets home. Thanks to those who have donated!!


  1. Hi! I have been meaning to ask where to send some money! My mom has been approached by a few at school...asking where to send money...
    It has been soooo great reading all the blogs posts! Looks like Bri has been making huge strides in her treatment! Awesome!

    1. Oh, and this is Heidi!!!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh Tam, My heart aches for you, I'm so sorry, please know that the boys and I are keeping you and Bri in our chain of prayers tonight. Hugs to you and may God continue to give you both strength and love to Keep On Keep On! Love us!

  3. I meant to say that all donations are going into a special account where it will be used to offset medical bills, gas for getting back & forth from Cheyenne to Denver & the special comfort item - the recliner. 💗
